I gave a guy a BJ over the weekend not knowing he was married and his wife is threatening me now


I met a guy while with some friends at a bar. We all went to another place and sparing the details I gave him a BJ. We exchanged phone numbers. This was Friday.

Sunday he texted me, telling me he couldn’t believe I made him cum twice and he’d love to get together again. I told him I’m glad he enjoyed it, that I had a lot of fun too, and we’d have to see about getting together again.

Last night, I got a very angry text from a strange number and it was his wife. She told me if I’m going to be a whore and suck random guys dicks that I need to make sure that they’re not married.

The thing is – I did talk to him about this. We discussed how I just got out of a long marriage and am divorced and he told me he never got married.

I told her I did ask him, and he wasn’t wearing a ring, and she just kept calling me a slut and I turned off my notifications and went to bed.

This morning, I woke up to 20 messages. They’re all just calling me a whore and a slut and a homewrecker, how they have kids and I’ve just ruined their poor babies lives.

As far as I’m concerned I did nothing wrong, I went out to a bar, I asked him and he lied to me. Should I call the police? I don’t think she has any way of knowing where I live, she just has my phone number. I don’t think I ever told him where I work, but I’m not positive. I also don’t have facebook or anything.

I haven’t replied. I’m considering telling her once again that I did ask him, he’s the one you need to be mad at, and that I’m blocking her number and I’ll tell the police if she contacts me again, but I’m not really sure what to do.


Alright, at the advice of a few below, here’s what I’m going to send to her: “I am really sorry that this happened to you. You’re right to be upset and I completely understand. I want you to know that he told me he never got married and was single, and he also was not wearing a ring. I want no part in ruining anyone’s relationship and I’m going to start by blocking both of your numbers. I hope that you are able to work through this, and just know that I’m sorry you’re put in this position. I wish you the best of luck.”

If you can think of a better way to phrase this, let me know!


Edit again: I sent the above message and blocked both her and the lying and cheating husband. I hope she’s able to work through her demons, whether it’s with him or not. I don’t intend on making contact with either of them again. Thanks everyone for the advice – I got what I needed.


Final edit – well this blew up a lot more than I had wanted or thought would. I can’t reply to everyone, but I do appreciate the advice. As you’ll see here I already replied to her text this morning and blocked them both. As of now 🤞 I haven’t been reached out to again from any other numbers. I thank everyone and I cannot reply any more today.



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