I get a lot of pleasure from deepthroating


I was looking for more of a specific blowjob discussion subreddit but they are all porn subreddit switch is great and everything but sometimes I like to have a discussion. Overtime I have noticed that when I deep throat my dildo I can actually get a kind of pleasure. It’s like if I can work up to a gag just right then it sends a wave of tingly pleasure all through my shoulders and chest, sometimes even to my whole entire torso. I also really like when some tears come down my face. It seems to get my eyes more watery when I go deep enough. I can get my throat so open that I can just fuck it and fuck it and I think I might be able to get a throat orgasm which apparently is a thing.

I know this sounds kind of like BDSM but I’m actually not into BDSM at all. I don’t really experience this as pain. And I don’t do it as a kind of domination or submission or masochism. I really think that there is a lot of pleasure available in the throat and I even think about stuff like helping open my throat chakra.

They also say that a lot of emotions get stored in the Torso so I think that the gag reflex creates a spontaneous movement in the Torso which can help those emotions get released.

Of course I wouldn’t want to actually throw up so that is kind of the fear of why I don’t push past a certain point but I don’t know I just feel really motivated to keep learning so that I can be really good at it and maybe share my talents with somebody one day!

Part of why I posted this is to kind of make it real and also to kind of be courageous about being sexually open. And to help myself stay motivated to stay consistent with my practice. I also feel like before I started experiencing this I kind of thought that any kind of blowjob was a kind of one person having domination over another kind of thing and only one person receiving the blowjob would really be able to enjoy it but now I feel totally different about it


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