I had a threesome with my bf and his friend and I regret everything


UPDATE- Ok well I called my bf because most of your comments made me feel physically ill and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to speak with him. I told him how the threesome made me feel, how I’m worried about what his true intentions are due to the fact he was so eager to watch his friend fuck me. He basically told me that he doesn’t have a cuckhold fetish or anything, he just knows I’m young and don’t have very many experiences with other men so he wanted to be able to give me experiences with guys he trusts early on in our relationship so that I can be confident he’s the one I truly want to be with or not feel like I’m missing out.

I don’t think I could have ever expected that answer- so I’m not really sure where to go from here. He said it was also really hot to watch me get fucked from a different viewpoint, which is why he watched for majority of the time.
He said he isn’t trying to use me, that we talked about it for weeks prior to ensure I was fully wanting to go through with it- which is true. He said that we never have to do it again if I hated it, or next time he will be more engaged. So ya, my head is spinning.


I’m 22 and my bf is 28. We met at my gym and have only been together a few months. He’s everything I could ever ask for in a partner, extremely built and attractive, so funny and overall just an amazing guy.

BUT for weeks he’s been suggesting we have a threesome with one of his buddies, a guy I know from the gym as well. At first I was like no fucking way, because I honestly thought it was like a test or something? But eventually he made it very very clear it’s something he’s always wanted to try and that his friend is extremely attracted to me so he knew he would be interested in it.

Anyways, last night I went through with it and I fucken regret it so much. My boyfriend barely fucked me during it, he let his friend have control pretty much the whole time- even at one point he was just watching his friend fuck me.
I just feel fucking weird and gross about it and I certainly question my boyfriends true intentions regarding our relationship- is there even a way to repair this?


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