I have a fat/weight gain fetish and I feel so guilty for hiding it from my bf


I (F19) have had a weight gain/fat fetish for as long as I remember. I don’t think I will ever be able to get rid of it. I’m only able to actually orgasm when fantasizing about stuff related to it, or looking at pics or video’s. I do this daily. It almost feels like an addiction.

I’ve been in a realitionship for a bit over a year with my bf (M23). I love him so much and our relationship is amazing.

Our sex is also amazing. I’ve just never been able to orgasm, because I feel too guilty thinking about weird stuff while having sex with him. I still feel super satisfied, so it’s really no issue for me, but he has wondered why I can’t orgasm. I just told him it’s takes a while for me to do it and that I’m usually only able to do it while laying on my stomach, touching myself for a pretty long time. This is all true, but of course I left out a big thing.

I’m definitely not planning on ever acting on my fetish. Health is really important to me and I would never want to ruin my bf’s health.

I just feel like it’s been so hard to hide. We are both really into weight lifting and he’s been making a lot of gains and doing a good bulk. But it’s been kind of on the dirty side. He gained like 10 kg while he also wasn’t super lean before. Now his gym belt doesn’t fit properly anymore. When he told be about that I got so turned on that it scared and made me feel embarrassed.

I did let him know that be doesn’t have to feel the need to have a six pack in my opinion and that I like the bulked up look. I also really enjoy cuddling him. He’s just like a big strong teddy bear. But he’s still healthy and not overweight. He’s literally perfect to me.

Am I a bad person from keeping this fetish from him? I just don’t want to ruin this relationship. I don’t want him to overthink me touching his stomach when cuddling or if I ask if he has eaten enough. I feel like it would change so many things that are fine now. But I’m also afraid that I won’t be able to hide it forever.

Just to be clear again, I’m not trying to support him getting overweight or making him eat more. He knows exactly what he wants and wouldn’t even eat more or less if I tried convincing him of it.


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