I haven’t had an orgasm for a year with my partner and I don’t know how to approach it.


I \[23 F\] have been with my partner \[24 M\] for almost 2 years. Before him I have been with two other guys, with one of them I had more orgasms and with the other one none.

The thing is that it is not easy to reach orgasm because I am very sensitive to the clitoris and it only goes with friction. With this current partner, at the beginning there was more than one occasion that I could have orgasms, but I’ve been almost 1 year that it’s impossible.

I have started to consider sex as something enjoyable and that I should not aspire to orgasm to have a good time, but somehow I feel somewhat unsatisfied.

The problem is that I don’t know what keys to play to have an orgasm with another person that is not me (alone I can) so I don’t know how to guide him and he doesn’t bring up the subject either, although he knows that I can’t get there.

That doesn’t make my relationships completely unsatisfactory because I’m into the submissive thing and I enjoy the experience, but as I say, I feel like I’m missing something.

That is why I don’t know how to deal with the situation, if I should talk to him again to make him see my discomfort (although I do not know what good it will do because we talked about it once and it became clear that if I do not guide him, he does not know how and I do not know how to explain) or just keep trying to convince me that I do not need to reach orgasm to enjoy, although it would be a plus.


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