I (M) hooked up with a trans woman and have std etiquette questions?


Please excuse my stupid subject title, my assumptions and if this is the wrong place to ask.

I’m an older cis male who has only dated cis woman and mostly in low std risk relationships. If it was a hookup I wore a condom and I’ve never gotten a std.

I meet a trans woman off of grinder and the first time we hooked up I asked her to wear a condom. She wanted to go in raw? Ok red flag but I’m trying to be understanding and she put one on after I asked.

Please excuse my ignorance but in man on man gay sex is the std risk mostly from the penetrating person? Yes I don’t want to catch anything being on the receiving end but I’m a little shocked that this person didn’t go right to a condom on the first hookup? She had a hard time getting off wearing the condom and I completely understand, I too cannot get off wearing a condom either.

Again my only experience is mostly condom less sex in a relationship so I don’t know how to broach the topic. I don’t think I’m going to request PREP from my doctor just because I want to continue hooking up with this woman. Is it too soon to ask us both to take a std test?

Am I just being extra sensitive and weird about this topic? I don’t know what’s typical behavior in this area.

Thanks for the advice


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