I (m19) disassociate during sex with my partner (f19)


Throw away account so my partner doesn’t see this. I (m19) disassociate during sex with my partner (f19). I can’t last longer than 5 strokes, to combat this I don’t focus on the sex. I focus on everything else around and completely relax my body to ensure I don’t finish too quickly. My partner doesn’t like that I disassociate during sex because she wants me to be more present. I only do it so I can please her and last longer. We already do a ton of other stuff besides penetrative sex and doing more wouldn’t help our case, as soon as we start fucking I immediately finish and I feel terrible. She would love to continue having more penetrative sex but I can’t get an erection after I finish. I’ve offered to continue with either my hands or mouth but she says it’s not the same and we end up calling it a night. Ive asked about using toys as well and she would prefer not to, she wants the real deal but unfortunately, I can’t deliver. So that’s why recently I’ve tried disassociting, I’ve brought it up to her to make sure she is comfortable with it and she would prefer not.

How do I last longer and please both party’s?

TLDR: Partner doesn’t like me disassociating, but it’s how I last long in bed.


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