I need help telling if I have ingrown hairs or genital warts, and other sources aren’t helping


For a few months, I’ve had small bumps around my groin. They are hardish, have no feelings, and have been there for awhile. I’ve had them looked at twice by doctors who tell me they don’t look like genital herpes, and one said they might be ingrown hairs. I did get them around the last time I razored down there, but their long lasting and feeless nature makes me think other wise. I’ve tried using anti wart cream on them and didn’t see too kuch results but the doctor told me to stop doing that and instead use Vaseline, that also didn’t do anything. They don’t match the images I see online either, but those always seem to be worse case scenario photos. Is there a way to know for sure, could it also just be warts in an unfortunate location? It’s just in the groin, not on the genitals.


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