I never had an orgasm and I’m scared for my future sex life.


I’m F22 and I have tried every little thing in the book, I even got myself a toy but unfortunately I can’t feel much of anything. Nor am I able to stay wet for long periods of time. As crazy as this is gonna sound but I truly think I was born without a clitoris, yes I’ve looked down there and inspected myself plenty of times but to no avail.

I’ve tried fingering myself but it feels too weird, I don’t feel any rough spongy texture. Instead If I go far enough inside my vaginal canal I’m met with this weird texture that doesn’t feel pleasant.

It doesn’t help that I have (Asperger’s former name) ADHD, OCD etc. Which this has caused me to be on stimulants and SSRIs since I was young and I’m afraid this killed my libido. Im also not afraid to admit that I was exposed to the internet at a very young age and saw things that no 9 yr old should see. Safe to say I have a lot wrong with me and idk how I’m gonna tell my future partner about my issues, they’re gonna be hurt that I’m unable to stay aroused for long. I hate this so much..


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