I orgasm too easily


*bit of an embarrassing post but it’s a throwaway anyways haha*

I’m a woman, and since I was 12 i’ve been able to orgasm (almost everyday)

But it’s kind of a problem, while my boyfriend is going down on me I want it to last longer but I end up finishing and I’m too sensitive.

And during piv I also orgasm too easily, then I get REALLY senstive and have to wait for a while to start up again.

The only time I can savour the moment is with no foreplay (I still love it but I want to know how to orgasm *and* savour the moment)

Does anyone have any tips to last longer?

I know this sounds like a troll post and it isn’t the norm for a woman but I promise you it isn’t, I’d love some advice 🙂

Edit: Also adding it gets quite frustrating when I have to stop but I want it to keep going.

Edit 2: I forgot to add, I’ve also tried edging which is enjoyable but I don’t want to do it EVERY time as I find it VERY unsatisfying during piv, oral is fine but when it’s piv edging is too tiring and unfulfilling.



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