I think I blew my chance at seduction, what to do


I’m a 30M. Met a woman on dating app who is 27 who I am very attracted to.

First date grabbed a drink, held hands. Invited her over, she said “No I’m not gonna come to your place. gave her a kiss on the forehead as I walked her to her car.

Second date, grabbed some lunch, kissed, held hands, didnt invite her over.

Third date, she came over for an hour at night, dressed in tight pants, we watched Netflix, cuddled, but she said shes gotta go home…I didnt even offer her to stay over for the night because I didn’t think she would feel comfortable with it – **or maybe she was trying to see if I would suggest she stays over?** I feel like I blew this chance badly.

Fourth date, went to a concert with her, had fun, gave her a bunch of cute kisses…again said she has to go home early for work. She hasnt even made out with me yet beyond just kissing, saying that she is afraid of germs.

Invited her over to my place to finish the netflix episode we didnt watch, she didnt respond for the whole day (atypical), then I texted again and she called me and said sure hows tomorrow, I said sure. Today I texted her to confirm and she said “I can’t today, going to hang out with my friends, miss you though!”. She didn’t even offer to reschedule. She had previously told me that she wants to come over on a night that she doesnt have work the next day, but she keeps rescheduling or coming up with excuses.

I’m just not even going to reply until she does. I view this is a rejection and I feel like I messed up along the way to seduce her. Maybe my standards are messed up, idk. I don’t have enough game I think.

**I think I messed up my chance to seduce her** and to a man in this relationship. We havent done anything beyond holding hands and some soft kisses. She probably thinks I am some weak guy who doesn’t make his needs clear, paying for dates and more, and absent in terms of communicating sex and expects that I should court her….while she is likely going out with other guys with more game than me and is getting laid.

I feel like an idiot. Someone please put me in my place and give me advice, thank you


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