I think I ruined my relationship. Please help.


I decided I wanted to do a Sex Test with my girlfriend.


The way it works is that you both individually answer the same questions, and only at the end do you see the common answers.

Get to the end of the test, it talks about +1s when it comes to including additional people.

We both decided in the past that threesomes would never be a reality for us because we don’t think it’s healthy.

Come to, the questions arrive. I answer in a way where all the ‘+1’ questions are for the pleasure for my partner. There’d be no kissing or penetration or touching on my part; only my partner will receive.

However, my partner wanted to see what choices I’d make so she selected ALL of them. And so, she could see all my individual answers (which I thought was only in consideration for her pleasure).

She now says she’s disappointed in me because we said in the past that this would never happen.

NOW, nor do I want a threesome/orgy/+1 into our sex. All I could do was try and reassure her that I don’t actually want these things and that my answers were legitimately based on me thinking what she would like IF she wanted to do them.

All I can do is continue to make her feel safe and reassure that I don’t want these things.

Any help?


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