I tried to give my boyfriend a bj but I was too nervous to do it and now I feel lame


I’ve been with my boyfriend for around 3 months and our sex is great. I lost my virginity to him and he’s more experienced than me. For a while I wanted to go down on him but I was nervous to do it because I felt like I would be bad at it since I have no experience. I tried to do it yesterday but when I looked up and saw him staring at me I felt so exposed that I had to stop. I couldn’t do it. He was very nice about it and he says he wants me to do only what I feel comfortable to do and it’s not a deal breaker it I don’t give him oral. However, I feel so embarassed and lame that I couldn’t do it. I feel like I’m not good in bed if I can’t give a bj. I genuinely want to do it, so it’s not only for him, but I can’t get over the nerves. Any advice?


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