I(22F) just got out of a long-term relationship and want casual sex, but all my experiences before bf were pretty shit. What is proper hookup etiquette and how do I go about meeting someone for a potential friends with benefits situation?


Me and my ex dated for two years and broke up about two months ago. I don’t feel like a relationship is the right thing for me but I’d love to have a casual sex in both a safe and enjoyable way, but how do I do it? Before I met my ex I used dating apps, and after about one or two dates went home with the person on the premise of it being casual-ish, but the guys were usually pretty selfish and not people I’d consider doing anything with today – but I was 19 at the time and didn’t really have my boundaries clear.

I enjoy intimacy and touch, I’m not really a one night stand type of person because it’s hard to relax with a total stranger so how do I go about this? Are people on dating apps generally open about wanting casual sex and should I be or will I attract scummy people? What is actually casual, how many dates/what activities do you do with a person you still want a casual relationship with, not a serious and romantic one? Do you spend the night, talk to them about wanting it to be casual but still wanting some more closeness. Is it even a reasonable expectation to find someone like this?

I know most relationship related things can be solved just by talking so I will be upfront with partners but being newly single after almost three years of relationships has me feeling way more inexperienced than I expected! I’ve changed so much as a person since I was 19 that I don’t even know if this is the right thing for me, but I’m curious and I really wanna try. Do you have any stories of your own, successful or not, and more importantly tips for me on how to hopefully meet someone, stay safe and not accidentally lead them on?


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