Ideas for a Sexy “Patient Questionaire” Sheet for Playing Doctor


Me (F22) and my gf (F23) have been talking about dressing up and playing doctor irl for quite some time. We’re both into the idea, and I’ll be playing the role of the doctor.

I’ve got my costume mostly put together, but I wanted to go the extra mile and give her a “Patient Questionaire” to fill out before her “appointment”. I’m trying to think of some sexy question ideas that I could put on it, that aren’t too entirely ridiculous. Ones that at least sound somewhat professional (even if they aren’t).

I’ve already got the basic ones like “How often do you have sex?” or “How many sexual partners have you had?” As well as your standard medical questions to make it more believable. But I’m trying to think of some more spicy stuff that I could put on there. Any ideas?


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