Ignorant Virgins Married, Questions, Cold Showers


I (M31) and my wife (F32) both grew up very religious (now nonreligious) and thus we received no sex education, didn’t/don’t view pornography, we always fast forwarded through movie sex scenes, and were virgins until marriage.

We have been married almost 7 years and our sex life follows the same sequence every time.

1. Kissing/foreplay
2. Her orgasm (via my fingers 66% of time, remaining % via her using vibrator or my eating her out)
3. I ask if she thinks she can/wants to orgasm again (90% no, 10% yes)
A. If yes, repeat 1-3
B. If no, I orgasm (PIV 66% of time, BJ or handjob remaining %)
4. Snuggle, pee/cleanup, snuggle

My questions:

1. Normal?

Is that sequence good and normal? (We have no outside reference, we married and were the most inexperienced people you could find lol)

2. PIV

She’s only come a handful of times via PIV, is that a red flag? Should I be feeling guilty about that? If she has already orgasmed, is it a red flag that I don’t last all that long in PIV? She says she couldn’t care less but I fear she says that because she/we are ignorant/clueless.

3. Her Orgasm Quantity

For me, one orgasm and I am spent and want to sleep. Lol is she just being unselfish/unassertive saying 1 is enough for her most of the time or is that normal? I ask because, if I could orgasm multiple times and not be utterly exhausted idk why I wouldn’t ask for it every time. lol once she orgasmed 4x iirc but *most* sessions are 1 and some are 2x. Conversely, am I putting undue pressure on her with unrealistic expectations asking *every time* if she wants seconds? (I worry about this because she says no most of the time)

4. Advice

Any input/advice? I love my wife so much and want to have as full a sex life as is possible.

P.s. I know one objection I may get is “if she is happy, why are you asking us?” I ask because we don’t know what we don’t know. Imagine a person took cold showers their whole life and was okay/happy with it because “ignorance is bliss” until one day a friend tells them to simply turn the red knob, not exclusively the blue knob. Is our sex life cold showers but are happy just due to ignorance?


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