Im [23M] scared of showing my sexually submissive side out of fear that women will not take me seriously when I’m dominant.


I’ve always been sexually submissive. However, the majority of women I’ve been with are submissive (and in general). So, I learned how to be dominant, and am good at it. I’ve also come to enjoy aspects of dominance now, such that I would call myself a switch. 95% of the sex I’ve had has been me being dominant.

I’ve met a girl who’s also a switch. But I’m afraid of showing my repressed heavily submissive side, out of fear that she won’t be able to take my dominant side seriously anymore. Is this a valid concern? I feel that it is.. excerpt from :
>Women don’t want a timid boy, they want a man who fucks them.

(Extra Question to other switches: how do you decide who’s being D or S when y’all are flirting online or sexting? I never know when I can be submissive without it being a turn-off. (A big fear of mine))


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