I’m a shy person and wondering how I should go about asking my boyfriend for anal


My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years and have a great relationship. We have a 4 month old and so far we’re trying to juggle between being new parents and keeping our relationship active. It’s been a roller coaster but we love our baby and are slowly getting intimate. We tried PIV a couple of times since the baby but I guess things haven’t fully aligned for me yet. I’m not in any rush on that front but I’ve been getting sexually frustrated lately and have mostly been thinking of anal.
I was introduced to some aspects of sex at a young age (mostly just exposure not anything like SA), and started masturbating really young. I guess down the road as I got older I realized that I got off on anal. Although I can cum from PIV, my orgasms are a lot more intense during anal. I never felt comfortable enough to let my previous partners do it. At some point I did tell my boyfriend that I liked it ( I’m horribly shy so I fumbled through that conversation 🫣). He’s tried to indulge me and we’ve talked about it a couple of times but I just keep chickening out. I’d opt for liquid courage but with the baby it’s not really an option right now. I guess I’m just hoping that someone here has some encouraging words for me. And maybe a shared experience that could resonate and give me the push I need to ask for what I want.


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