I’m extremely horny but my bf won’t even touch me.. what to do??


My boyfriend (m28) and I (f22) have been together for over a year now. We first had sex 2 months into our relationship (I chose to), and everything was really good. We had sex regularly, and we even did it at risky, open places, because we were so into it. I would give him a blow job in the car, in a grocery parking lot in broad daylight and stuff like that.
6 months forward into our relationship, and he won’t even touch me.. he never compliments me, we never kiss passionately, he doesn’t flirt with me or slap my bum, we rarely go on dates, and we have sex less than once a month (we now haven’t had sex in almost 2 months) and the time we do have sex is after I’ve asked for it for weeks.
I’m a fit, petite girl, 5’2, blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, I take care of myself and I dress very smart and elegantly, so nothing has changed about my appearance since we met.

Apart from this we have a very good relationship, we are best friends and he spends all his free time with me. I know he loves me and would do anything for me, he wants to marry me and have kids, and he even bought me a promise ring after we first had sex because he knew how hard it is for me to open up sexually and he wanted to show commitment. I love him too, and I don’t want to leave him, but at the same time I’m always horny, and he doesn’t seem to feel the same way. I talk to him about this a lot, and his reasons are things like “he’s not in the mood, he smoked a cigarette because he was stressed so now he won’t get hard, he had a drink, he’s busy, he doesn’t feel like it” etc.

I’m very sexually frustrated at this point, and my self-esteem is starting to decline as the time goes on because I’ve tried a lot of things, but he doesn’t budge and I don’t feel like he finds me attractive.. I have always received high amount of male attention, and dated very good looking, ambitious men before who were all obsessed with me and couldn’t keep their hands off of me (I don’t mean to sound cocky at all) but I have never experienced having to beg a man to have sex with me…

I’m really sad about this, and I’m worried that if we get married I’m going to have to settle for a relationship where sex is almost non-existent.
What do I do?


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