i’m kind of obsessed with my bf’s cock/sex now


title says it all

i’ve been having sex with my boyfriend for about 10 months, dating for 7 and holy shit i don’t know what’s in the air lately but i’ve become obsessed and i don’t know why/what to do about it

for the past 3 weeks all i’ve started masturbating or fucking myself at least once a day and thinking about him, and even after seeing him and having sex 4 times one night it still wasn’t enough and i wanted more

i’ve never been like this, honestly before this (in my quite toxic relationship i ended about 6 months before i met my bf) i deadass though i was asexual because i was so turned off by the idea of sex, which i now know is because he was shitty, but now i’m like the other way around

is there anyway to get my brain to chill? i know it sound stupid but i’m spending a LOT of time now just thinking about him dicking me into submission and getting fucked stupid lol


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