I’m plus size and have had sex about five times in the past ten years due to a dead relationship, and I need sex and affection so bad that I can’t even function, but I don’t know where to get it.


I finally left after a decade of being in a loveless relationship. No affection, no love, no sex. The five times we did have sex over those years was just pity sex after me melting down and begging, which if anything, only hurt me more. I love sex. And so much of it is that I LOVE when a guy loves it, and is so turned on, and WANTS to do things to and with me. But after all these years stuck in this relationship, I started to try to fill the void with food, and now I’m pretty overweight. I’m so self conscious and embarrassed, and do not feel sexy at all. But if I don’t get some sex and affection, I’m just going to stay in this horrible cycle. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried dating apps and my body just seems to attract the most vile, low effort, and disrespectful men. I have a really pretty face in my opinion, and that’s something I still feel good about. But I’m just not sure what to do anymore. If anyone feels the same or has any advice, it would be awesome to hear.


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