I’m scared of the idea of never having sex


I’m a 28 year old woman and I have never had sex. I have never been in a relationship before hence I have never had anyone in my life that I wanted to have sex with. I personally need to have an emotional connection with someone in order to have sex. Casual sex does not appeal to me whatsoever.

I am scared of the idea of never having sex. I feel like I’m at an age when being sexually inexperienced is a turnoff to guys. I also feel like as I get older I am getting less and less attractive than I was when I was 18. I think my biggest fear is the fact that I think the window of being sexually attractive is closing. I’m just nervous that not only will I be single in this lifetime, but also will never experience sexual intimacy during my “sexual prime.” Basically I feel like too late to the party and I’m never going to meet my person and have sex.


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