I’m scared to deep throat him


To put you in context, we’ve been in a relationship for 2 months, and we’ve done very basic sexual things (oral sex, touching, etc). Yesterday my boyfriend and I were having a dirty talk. He mentioned that he wanted to try to see if it would all fit in my mouth. I told him no, and he told me that it would go in if I opened my throat. At that moment, porn videos in which a girl deepthroats to such an extent that she vomits came to mind. In those videos the girls are treated like objects and I imagined him treating me like this and I got scared. I told him and he felt bad for bringing it up, he says he would never hurt me and we wouldn’t do anything the other didn’t want. I know that he would like to do it. But I don’t think I can give it to him, at least for now. I would feel used, a sexual object. But I also want to be able to satisfy him. What would be the solution to this? Should I try it some day and if I have a bad time not do it again?
Just imagining that treatment towards me gives me chills.


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