In defense of ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’. A philosophical and aesthetic approach. -Playlists



I’m wholly new to this subreddit, so I don’t know whether the following is against the rules or not (it says something about blog posts being an exception). Anyway, I’ve been reading passively for a while now, but have never dared or felt the need to share myself on Reddit until now. Then, a few weeks ago, when ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ won the Oscar, for Best Score, I could see many here on this forum criticizing it. Inspired by this criticism, I decided subsequently to write an essay that takes a closer look at the soundtrack. So as not to drag this out any further, here’s the link:


I am open to any form of criticism, my main concern here is to show what challenges, especially from a film-historical perspective, Volker Bertelmann faced.

(PS: If I have broken a rule with my post, then I apologize for it).


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