Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny – Playlists

Harrison Ford returns to the role of the legendary hero archaeologist for this highly anticipated final installment of the iconic …







36 responses to “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny – Playlists”

  1. David Moutray Avatar

    This movie never should have been made. It is a sad, pathetic cash grab by a movie studio that no longer can create new franchises and already has destroyed all of its other franchises. LucasFilm is in stage-4 terminal cancer mode. I can't imagine paying money to watch Kathleen Kennedy and Phoebe Waller-Bridge humiliate an old man who once was a great hero.

    On the plus side, this movie makes "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" look great by comparison.

  2. penfishingrods. com Avatar

    Harrison Ford is a movie icon. His epic adventures as an archeologist are legendary. I will rewatch his journey one day before I die in a weeks-long Indiana Jones marathon. 🔥🔥

  3. TheMoneypresident Avatar

    There isn't a chance that the black girl could catch up to the subway. The boy wouldn't have dolphins jersey in 1969 in Egypt. 73 maybe.

  4. Knott Reel Avatar

    If they lowered their price by $20.00, I might consider buying it.

  5. Collin Skillman Avatar

    This movie made me love Dr. Jones. Not Indy, but Professor Jones. I always thought his teaching scenes were comedic transitions, but I was actually fascinated by the stuff he was saying here, and genuinely felt bad that none of his students took the lesson seriously. Maybe it's just relatable, since in my anthropology course, I feel like the "Helena" answering all the questions. 😅🤷

  6. Ivan Kvasov Avatar

    Disney killing everything it touches.

    Absolute BS.

  7. Allison_Girl Avatar

    Was good minus the main female character that embodies the disgusting traits of females everywhere wanting mainly only money and sex.

    Rest of movie was okay and very watchable.

  8. ravinraven6913 Avatar

    Wait, this isn't free? Why on earth would I pay money for it to ruin my fondness of Indiana Jones. Crystal skull wasn't horrible, it just wasn't good. It's been so long that by doing it with the crystal skull and now this? This is just desperate cash grab and its pathetic. Doesn't ruin the first 3 but it makes me think a whole lot less of Harrison Ford as a person.

    First make Shia the son of Indiana jones, do a movie with the tropes from the first movies and think it will work now the dial of destiny….yes the nazis are the perfect enemy and only time traveling will bring them back…..but my god, how pathetic can they get?

    in 2005 I joked that Hollywood is already out of ideas, and they will need to start doing comic movies since my generation is the one spending more money on games and movies. But now they are running out of ideas again…so lets just kill some ones franchise and destroy the possibilities that someone good could come along. Cowboy bebop? The gal who plays faye needs to get slapped. Give it a chance? they changed too much, its ok if they get an english accent when they are clearly asian…And lets make Julia turn on spike and try to take over the sindicate for herslf…no no no, ya ruined the frelling thing. Now either no ones touching it or they have to spend millions more to make it good

    Like dragonball, goku gets a kiss and he can light candles with his Kamehameha….Goku has been married to chichi since he was 19. In dragonball super, the newest release. He is 32(39 if you consider the years he spent in the hyperbolic time chamber/room of spirit and time)

    And they say he has NEVER kissed Chichi, his wife, of 13(20) years. Not once, they say it out right. So they take WAY too many liberties with this and most real fans hate it, the people without experience of it might not care. But if its for a new generation, stop copying others shows and make your own show.

  9. jason wen Avatar


  10. Brandon OGC Avatar

    Indiana Jones meets Merlin, Nicholas flamel, adolf hitler, the grail Knight the interdimensional alien, then ARCHIMEDES.perfect

  11. Darth Vader Avatar

    This movie is a joke.

  12. Preston Pena Avatar

    Where does it say how much to rent or buy this movie? I don't do anything before I see a price! What are you afraid of by being up front about the prices of these movies?

  13. QuorthonsInferno Avatar

    Definitely worth the money. Obviously still suffers from some modern movie tropes like CGI, but I was still pretty impressed with the practical effects. REALLY glad that there were few modern political influences…

  14. Brandon OGC Avatar

    You can change the past, but you can visit it

  15. Truth can't be silenced Avatar

    I am glad I got to make this journey with Indy. Pretty good ending as well. I thought they were all fun so cheers.

  16. AJ Jameson Avatar

    Wow Disney is still trying to make back what this movie cost to make. $20 a pop for a digital online place. Not even a download. Hard pass.

  17. Perihelion77 Avatar

    I have to PAY to watch this pathetic nonsense?! You should pay me to watch it.

    But you don't have enough money.

  18. Marj Avatar

    81 amazing

  19. JZL-Arkerivon Avatar

    WE DID IT!!!! 1K baby

  20. B Good Avatar

    if you bye one,this is the one….FIN…

  21. JZL-Arkerivon Avatar

    Blade Runner reference
    Thought we wouldn’t notice…. But we did

  22. Jason Capone Avatar

    Who else would be willing to see more adventures???
    They should have never written that his son died. We could have kept going!!!!!!

  23. Garrett Yarbrough Avatar

    I haven't seen this yet. My mother and dad saw it at a local theater here in town. My sister saw it. They all said it was an ok movie. I have all the Indiana Jones movies. I will watch this when the moment is right.

  24. Bad Wolf Avatar

    Not spending a dollar for this. You can't pay me to watch woke Disney garbage.

  25. Cahlen Davidson Avatar

    Disney ruins stuff

  26. Mississippi Wildlife Avatar

    In my opinion the movie is to long. The de-aging effect was great , but Harrison Ford is 81 years old. Having the de-aged effect with an 81 one year old voice was odd. I honestly found the movie boring at time as it took me 3 days to watch the entire movie. I grow tired of aging actors trying to represent themselves as 50 years younger in action scenes, it doesn't work. I personally enjoyed the previous Indiana Jones movies , I regret spending the pocket change buying this on Youtube. In my opinion , it's a miserable fail.

    I don't understand how this movie was a "highly anticipated film", no one asked for it. Ghostbusters Reboot "Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return" no one asked for that either. In my opinion when "they" say it's a "must see movie" or a "highly anticipated film", bells and whistles should go off. Good to see Harrison Ford , sad that this will be his final gig.

  27. Archie Cools Down Avatar

    Thank goodness Disney did not ruin this movie with virture signalling and woke propaganda. This is one story that should be left alone.

  28. Anthony Parde Avatar

    Harrison Ford he is amazing! Also, capitalism involves purchasing goods with currency. Communism involves taking wealth and distributing to the prospects. 99% feeds the 1% dictators like Un and Putin. The difference between Putin and Elon Musk is Elon sold products to become wealthy, Putin took the wealth of the Russian people.

  29. Barbara Leonard Avatar

    Excellent !!!! All the I J movies are fun fun fun .

  30. Strategyst Plays Avatar

    like the fake news media. All of this praise seems Fake. Disney, you killed Indiana Jones – Just like Star Wars and everything else you keep touching. You can edit this, remove this, but the bottom line… You keep losing money. Speaks more volume than what I'm saying.

  31. FreeMark by Worldfree Avatar

    Capitalism is not about stealing but about markets where theft is regulated and effectively halted by rational governments who's sole purpose is to maintain free markets.
    Leftist Hollywood propaganda trash permeates all these movies.