Indonesian Singer/Songwriter Brie Shares Seductive New Single “The Thrill” @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Singer songwriter BRIE is set to drop her new single, “The Thrill” on June 29 via all streaming platforms. The track-the first in a series of songs set for release via 12WIRED-highlights her coming-of-age guilty pleasures with a sprinkle of attitude. Produced by Norwegian producer Peder Elthom-Idsøe, “The Thrill” is a bouncy, seductive R&B/pop track highlighting the underlying tension that boils beneath the allure of the forbidden fruit in one’s reckless youth. Simply put, people know they are attracted to things that would cause them more harm than good. A video for the track will follow in the coming weeks.

We all have our vices. But if it were not for R&B/pop singer/songwriter BRIE’s addiction to overindulgence during her adolescent years, perhaps she would never have arrived at where she is now. BRIE’s constant hunger for experiencing new buzzes in her process of self-discovery has consistently led to many regrets. But instead of dwelling on past mistakes like most youngsters would, BRIE thrives on such episodes as she embraces the adrenaline kick they bring. And the result was “The Thrill.”

“Stop with that, hey/You’ve crossed the line/The thrill of being wrong makes all we did feel so right,” sings 24-year-old BRIE as she takes us on a voyage in pursuing “conventionally wrong things,” something present-day BRIE would not be necessarily proud of, but would forever be grateful for.

“I think it has become this do-not-try-this-at-home kind of song,” the singer, whose real name is Tiffany Gabriella, explains. “However, it is okay to screw up and get into sticky situations occasionally, as long as it leads you back to yourself. I am a cautionary tale, but I still think I made all the right mistakes.”

Written in under ten minutes, “The Thrill” was produced after a short phone call between Los Angeles-based producer Peder and BRIE. Together, they swiftly refashioned her unwise romantic mishaps into a provocative dance symphony with hooks galore. Placing BRIE’s trademark vocals at the forefront, “The Thrill” also showcases her eloquent wordplay.

“I still remember listening to the song’s initial demo for the first time and instantly falling in love with it. We just made a few small tweaks here and there, and that was it!” BRIE reminisces.

As the first single primed to kickstart her ongoing coming-of-age narrative, BRIE believes that “The Thrill” will serve as the ideal entry point for this new chapter of her musical journey, as well as a fitting ending to a period in her life she no longer resonates with.

As BRIE strives to continue creating her own sonic palette that represents the fun and games along with the trials and tribulations of growing up as a strong young woman, her listeners may find something very personal to them in her music.

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function statusChangeCallback(response) {
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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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