Insecure about my sexual abilities and ability to please partner.


I am a young 20s Male with a few sexual insecurities.

I’ve only had sex once before in my life. It was a one night stand with a girl I met at the club. I didn’t really feel a connection with her obviously, and it wasn’t a great experience.

I recently started seeing this girl and things are going well. We’ve cuddled and made out a few times. And it’s all felt very natural despite me not having much experience.

I’m really nervous when it comes to having or initiating sex. For a long time and still now, I’ve been really insecure about my penis which is below average in size and curved downwards. I think it looks weird and not sure if it would make certain positions more difficult.

I don’t have much experience, and that makes me nervous to initiate or have the confidence in that area. Any advice?


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