Intercourse has never felt that good for me, but it suddenly feels great. What changed?


I (19f) have never enjoyed intercourse. I’ve had a couple partners, have used toys, and tried many different things to assist but it just has never been that great. It feels good enough to have sex with my partner because I value their pleasure, but when I say that I mean it’s bearable. Tonight was nothing special, my boyfriend and I shared a few kisses and we were both instantly in the mood. Things escalated pretty fast so essentially no foreplay. Despite this, it felt absolutely mind blowingly good. If this is what intercourse typically feels like then i completely understand the obsession with sex. I even felt like I could’ve possibly climaxed from penetration alone. What changed? To add to it, I finished within seconds with his fingers. Later, I masturbated again and it had never felt that good. I genuinely don’t understand what could be different with my body and google isn’t helping. I’m actually kind of concerned. Is there anyway there could be a medical problem?


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