Interesting difference in fantasizing/watching porn?


A few nights ago I had a talk with my partner about watching porn. In watching porn he usually envisions himself in that situation with whoever is on screen. He can get off to pictures, imagining how good it must feel to ‘conquer’ or fuck someone.

I’ve been feeling a little confused about it, considering for me the experience is completely different. I do watch porn, but I tend to get off on the arousal shown on screen. So if the people/person on there is truly enjoying themselves, that gets me going. Even in fantasies I don’t/can’t involve myself in the situation. I even feel kind of disconnected when I try to link myself in there.

This all made me wonder however. Does every person have their own way of consuming porn or fantasies? Does everyone involve themselves in their fantasies, do they think of other people?

(and also, for my own anxious brain, does anyone else think like me?)


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