Is adult nursing really that taboo? I want to nurse so badly!



I’m from Maryland and I feel like in the kink I am in love with, I’m obsessed with, that I’m on a desert island, I know there’s groups everywhere but to find that needle in a needle stack is so hard but I’ll keep trying

I’m talking about breastfeeding me, wet nursing with milk and lactation, as soon as I think I may have her it slips away, or law of distance…if it’s perfect it’s probably too far. You would think the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area would be a perfect place to find someone into this but alas it’s not.

I want the bond the sensual nature of it, almost primal and instinctive a (mommy/son dynamic) is this so overly taboo that people scoff at it? To be able to relax and enjoy the moment just two is so erotic but doesn’t have to involve sex one iota. It’s lovely IMO and perfect and beautiful, agree, disagree but don’t knock it til you try it 😉.

End rant.


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