Is going to a couple’s naughty massage the right thing?


Hi! So I am currently in a 2 year relationship. I am finding ways to spice up our sex life but I am not really into a threesome. So I found out this massage where the therapist massages the client but not to the point where they do an intercourse, strictly massage. additionally I found out that the place offers a ‘naughty’ couple’s massage (the no intercourse between therapist – client rule still works). I don’t really know what to expect and I’m scared. But I really want to make my boyfriend happy and it might be a safer option than a threesome.

I’m worried that he might enjoy it too much and come back to that place without me, or stuff like he’s more into the therapist than he is into me. But at the same time the service offered is titled a couple’s massage so it should not be anything like that?

Any suggestions?


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