Is it a praise kink or is it a mental dilemma


Hi. So I’m 31 female and married. This whole thing may come across as vague so I’ll do the best I can explaining my issue. So I grew up in a toxic environment where pretty much I tried to get get recognized for good, was bullied, dealt with mysogyny and even SA. I’ve been going to therapy for years for cptsd, and been with my partner 12 years. Since I got out of the religious toxic environment, I really like the approval of others, particularly men. I’ve grown over the years where obviously I have boundries and despite I can come across as flirty in a weird way to protect myself; at the same time I like the idea of giving someone a hard on or crushes. I like compliments whether it’s work related or I LOVE when someone compliments my looks, ideas, etc. I can take critique. Like to the point I care about how people feel about me. Could this be a praise kink or could I be insecure? Esspecially as of late I’ve been thinking about getting a breast reduction or even removal and I’ve been wondering how’d I’d feel after years of learning to love my breasts, like my huge breasts won’t be a feature anymore to show off. Someone please give me insight?

** I’m thinking about surgery because I’m currently ranging an E thru H cup and also been questioning my gender identity or become insecure about having big breasts or hips after pregnancy ( not because fat, because I’ve been publicly harrassed about my features to the point I don’t want to exist). I know it’s weird on one hand I love compliments or praise, but scared of someone saying I’m disgusting my nipples showing thru a bra and black shirt or hoodie. I’m just so confused.


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