Is it ok to ask him for a picture of his dick?


So i have this FWB and i’m kinda so obsessed with his dick. It just looks perfect lol. But he’s never asked me for nudes. I sent him a half-nude once (i used an excuse for it. I told him i wanted to show him my new thigh highs lol). He loved it but never asked for something like that again. But i really want a picture of his dick. But i’m afraid it’s weird to ask for it. Also, sometimes i end up staring at his dick too much i think. Like last time after we had sex he sat down for a bit and i sat next to him and i unintentionally ended up staring at his dick (i kinda didn’t notice he could see me staring at it) then he said “stop staring at my dick” but he said it while laughing and i asked why and he said he feels awkward lol. So based on this, is it weird if i ask for that?

Also, another issue is that i’ve ended up expressing so much emotion to him and he keeps telling me to not get so attached to him but i kinda have and i think he knows and is worried about me getting so attached. Will he worry more if i ask for a dick pic? I really wanna look at his dick more bc seeing it while having sex is just not enough. And i’m kinda shy and can’t ask him to let me give him a blowjob. The most fun i’ve ever had was when i was on my period and finally was able to ask to give him a blowjob now that we can’t have sex. Man, i wish he’d let me give him a blowjob again. Bc then i would he able to see his dick more. Should i just ask for that dick pic? Idk how to ask for that 😭


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