Is it possible to train to take a larger penis (PIV)?


My current partner [37M] and I [34F] both enjoy hard / deep / fast penetration. The problem is we can’t enjoy it with each other. I’ve done that plenty with exes and I really really enjoy it, but my current partner is too large; he’s not hugely above average, but my body just can’t take it and it hurts.

To be clear, he’s not pressuring me at all – he’s an angel and he is the one who stops everything if he can see I’m not comfortable, and he does not hold it against me in any way. But I’m getting really upset over this because a) I really enjoy this for myself and b) I can’t do this for him.

Is it possible to train to be able to do this? We both see this relationship as a long-term thing and I would be devastated if I could never do it. I’d feel like I’m letting him down and that we’re not compatible.

Edi: jeez could y’all lay off with the PMs? I know I haven’t been around for like 6 years but Christ this place has changed.


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