Is it strange to not want to use sex items your partner has used on his ex?


I’ve been with my bf for over a year now (him 25m and me 23f). He’s very sweet, and we don’t have many issues. Especially lately, we’re the healthiest we’ve ever been. Well…7 months into our relationship we were in a sex toy store, and I was messing with the cuffs and ropes telling him we should try it sometime. He told me he already had cuffs from a previous relationship. I never brought up cuffs again because I was nervous to say I’d rather buy new. Fast forward to present time, we went to that same store again, and bought some long rope to try, and when we got back he brought out some of those fuzzy cuffs. I’m his second gf so I knew it was ones he mentioned before that he used on her. He put them on me, but all I could think about was the fact that the only reason he has them is because of her. We didn’t wind up using them. I hate his ex because she basically used his body for her own pleasure, and that was all they ever did. No love or empathy from her, so I genuinely hate her. Those cuffs are pretty much the only thing he has left that was for her. I just feel uncomfortable with using those. I would rather just not be cuffed, or buy him new ones. My problem is that I don’t know how to bring it up, honestly. Afraid he would think it was dumb to even mention.

TL; DR my bf still has cuffs his ex talked him into buying, and I feel uncomfortable with using those and wanna get new ones. Just scared to ask.


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