Is it wrong to not like typically “female friendly” porn? [24F]


So a bunch of my friends and I had a rather unusually spicy conversation about our sex lives, and the topic of porn came up. When my friends talked about how they hate mainstream sites like pornhub and instead watch only “female friendly” porn like softcore or erotica I felt somewhat…ashamed? Because I feel like I have become accustomed to watching porn the way “typical males” would, aka watching whatever is on the front page of pornhub. They sort of implied that porn is not for women and that it’s misogynistic to like it the way it is. I felt alone and like a bad feminist. Of course there are some things I hate about porn (like the excessive fake sounding moaning) but I never felt the way I felt today about it. Am I alone in feeling this? Does it make me a bad feminist to watch mainstream porn?


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