Is it wrong to think about ending a serious relationship because of lack of sex ?


I (31 m) have been with my partner (28 f) for 8 years now and we have children together so this is very difficult situation I find myself in.
At the beginning we were very sexually compatible in every sense, there was nothing that either of us could suggest that would have been too taboo. Recently though things have taken a massive downhill slope and I’m no longer happy in the relationship as a result but feel guilt because it’s “just sex”. I appreciate that the physical aspect of a relationship isn’t the be all and end all of things but at the same time deep down I don’t think it selfish to want what i had at the beginning of the relationship. Always hated the idea of cheating but I’ve found myself more and more inclined to do so when it’s gone from once every other day to once every couple of months.

Before anyone suggests talking it out and communication being key I’ve made my feelings clear and tried to talk about it in the past but have always been made to feel like a scum bag for even suggesting I’m not happy


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