Is my (26M) wife (28F) a cuckquean?


Let’s start by saying that we’ve been together for almost 10yrs. I’m a very kinky person and she is definitely not. My wife grew up pretty sheltered and never really got a chance to explore a kinkier side because sex always held a stigma in her childhood home.

She has a lot of insecurities about her body and doesn’t feel sexy (which is crazy to me because she’s the hottest lady alive). She always tells me that I’m the sexier person in our marriage.

Last year, she admitted to me that she was a total submissive. She wanted me to take control and make decisions for her. I gave her tasks and a routine. She loved it for a while, but eventually stress from work added to the tasks and we slowly scaled back our dynamic until there was practically nothing left.

Fast forward to this year: I took her on vacation for her birthday. I wanted to help her get away from all the stress and to be celebrated as she should be. Our second night in our hotel we started making out and it quickly became my wife using her vibrator while I slowly fucked her face. After two minutes she pulled away and said she wanted to watch me stroke. Shocked but intrigued, I started stroking over her face while gripping her breasts and choking her til she came and squirted.

I couldn’t believe how hard she came to this. She confessed to me that she LOVES watching me masturbate. Only watching. I asked her if she had a voyeur kink and she said maybe. I said that if she really wanted to watch me then I should use a fleshlight. I thought there was no way she’d be into that because she’s more vanilla when it comes to sex, but the very next day we went to a sex shop near the hotel and bought me a translucent fleshlight and some lube.

We went back to the hotel, and as soon as we were back in the room I told her to take her clothes off and sit at the edge of the bed. She did what she was told, and I lubed up my cock and the toy and I began sliding in and out of it.

I laid back on the bed so she could watch between my legs. She was biting her lip and rubbing her clit. She began using her vibrator while I fucked this tight latex pussy. She asked if I would stroke over her which I agreed to, of course.

She laid back and played with her clit while I knelt over her face and stroked my cock. In the moment I decided to talk dirty to her. I went further than I ever thought she’d be comfortable with. I asked her if she liked watching me fuck this pussy. She said yes. I asked if she liked watching me be pleasured by a pussy that wasn’t hers. She said yes. I asked if she was a beta girl who liked to watch me fuck. She said yes. I asked if she was a little loser cuck who wanted to watch me fuck. She said yes, and came so fucking hard she almost passed out. She begged me to cum inside the fleshlight so she could watch. I came more than usual and that REALLY turned her on. We then moved to the shower and had great shower sex while I bathed her and told her how much I love her.

The next day we talked about it and I asked if she felt she is a voyeur? She said yes. But when I asked if she felt she is a a beta or a cuck she said I don’t know with a sorta half smile and then didn’t really wanna talk about it.

I’ve no experience with cuckqueans so I’m unsure how to proceed with her. I love my wife, but I’m kinda lost on how to make her blossoming kink happen when she’s unsure of it herself.

please help 🙂


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