Is she sending signals or am I just horny?


Okay, so I (20M) like my friend (20F) of many years. We have a history where I asked her out (she said yes) but COVID and my mental problems squandered that pretty fast and then I moved out of state. We haven’t really talked about that so we’re in a weird spot.

A couple years later I moved back in state and we have started hanging out again. She invited me to hang out with her and her friends every weekend. It’s been really fun seeing her again and I’ve caught feelings after just having gotten over her.

I suspect she likes me and her body language and non verbal behavior says she does too. However, I always take non verbal stuff with a grain of salt because you can never really read someone’s mind.

Now my minds running crazy about her idk I just feel like a high schooler again.

Anyway, last weekend it was a sort of movie day. We were sitting on the couch on opposite sides with a short stack of blankets in the middle spot, dividing us. There was one other friend in the room on a different couch.

At some point she takes a position very similar to how you would do a sit up, with her feet pointed towards me and using the arm rest as a head rest. Her legs were quite far apart meaning I was quite close to her You Know What. I was sort of leaning on my left elbow so low to the couch and leaning towards her so I wasn’t even looking above her knees.

Now we weren’t very far apart at all maybe a foot or two apart on this couch. So you can imagine my ape brain was a little shaken by this. I had never been so close to a vagina before and it was hardly a sexual context but still it had me a little nervous and wondering if she was doing it on purpose. At multiple times she even talked to me, LOOKING THROUGH HER LEGS. It all just felt like it was on purpose!

Am I a horny bastard or is there some logic to my thinking?


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