Is there a difference between a woman tasting herself vice a guy tasting himself?


Alright so basically me and my girl got done having phone sex bc she lives in Italy for now. She always tastes herself off her fingers or her dildo bc she likes it and I think it’s hot. Anyways after we get done she’s like “Would you ever taste your own cum?” and I was like “absolutely not😂 I’ve never looked at my own cum and been like yeah imma taste that. Not once in my 27 years of life” she said it would be hot if there was some of my cum on her mouth and I kissed her and took it and put it in her mouth. I told her that there’s a big difference imo in a girl tasting herself vice a dude tasting his own cum. She said there’s not. So I was man if we go on Reddit and ask this question I feel like I would be right in an overwhelming way. So my Reddit people. Do y’all think there’s a difference in the two or am I wrong😂

Also not bashing people who may do this. I, personally just have never had the urge to do this in any scenario💀


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