It’s Alive – Playlists

A couple expecting a baby discover it’s a monster that kills when it’s scared. Terror, like all good things, begins at home. Set to a …








45 responses to “It’s Alive – Playlists”

  1. MegaMan87 Avatar

    The cat didn't deserve it…

    Glad they Put it down for good…

    My Theory is that it was a Experimental Abortion Pill by the Government that it wasn't approved and its what caused the Babies's Abnormal Mutation…

    Now theres one in Seattle, Its Starting to Spread… Only you can Prevent Monstrous Infants before it Terrorizes others…

    It was like Alien…

  2. channel name 01 (michael b) Avatar

    That ending with Frank changing his mind and trying to save his baby and the way it all ended tore me up 😭. I, too, in the end, had feelings for that poor creature. I can't get over it. 🙁 What a movie.

  3. Jenna Tripp Carter Avatar

    I remember seeing this when I was a child.. It's been a long time

  4. Jimmy Armijo Avatar

    I eventuality saw them all. I think the second one was best.

  5. james alexander Avatar

    I watched this a thousand years ago at a drive-in movie in Oxon Hill MD when I was a teenager, but it was still light and the screen was mostly washed out, and never got to see the full film, til now.

  6. tamonettX500 Avatar

    My mother had the novel. I was always fascinated by the cover. I was born in 70 so by the time she bought it I was maybe 5 or even 6

  7. tamonettX500 Avatar

    Sharon Farrell looks like a cross between Patty Duke and a young Donna Mills before she had all that makeup and hair

  8. David Martin Avatar

    love old movies

  9. X Million Avatar

    I simply cannot abide by those who would want to take away this child's right to life while it was in utero! This woman had sex and therefore consented to being pregnant and thus has a moral responsibility to carry her child to full term. I'm so grateful that the filmmakers depict this God-fearing couple as explicitly rejecting what may have, wrongly, been considered to be a legal option at that time. Hallelujah, Gratitude and All Praise Be to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the True Son of God, who died on the cross for our sins.

  10. Peach-E Avatar

    Thanks to my tio ( uncle), he had boxes of weird horror movies. This is one of them. Forever 1 of my favorites. The remake was terrible

  11. JosephineYisrael Avatar

    I knew they made an It's Alive 2!!!

  12. JosephineYisrael Avatar

    I remember the Devil's Rain, the devil's daughter, to the daughter a daughter, the Demon Deed, the Exorcist, 1 and 2 Amityville house 1 and 2, Rosemary's Baby, Siperia, Black Christmas, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the dead, night of the living dead. Psycho 1,2,3 and 4. Oh and Phantasm, the Entity with Barbara Hershey, Carrie, the Omen, 1,2 1976-78. WHAT KIND OF MINDS CAN COME UP WITH SUCH HORROR, AND WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE LIKE WATCHING THIS STUFF?. :Oh there was a Part 2 to this movie Its Alive 2.

  13. M3P Avatar

    If this wasn’t the worst horror movie of all time my name would be Big dick Chaney bow legged laney!!!

  14. Monica Walker Avatar

    Can you upload it's alive 2. That's my favorite one.

  15. Steven J Shepherd Avatar

    The police drawing down on the infant on the blanket, priceless.

  16. Meechi Peachi Avatar

    I haven't watch the movie yet, but it's on my list of things to see. But in reading some other people's comments, I am reminded of when I was about eight years old and parents were friends of a friends, while we were moving across country, and the movie Jaws was on TV. My parents didn't want me to see it, and I and the other kids played in the back room. And I have memories of hearing some of the scary parts but not seeing them. It took me until I was about thirty-five or so to watch the actual movie. And then I watched it on the really big screen at The Fabulous Fox Theater in Atlanta.

    Life is quite the adventure

  17. Alicia Aldarondo Avatar

    Stupid movie. 😮

  18. Sherri Batko Avatar

    Why is he running with the monster, it's been killing people since birth.

    It can take care of it's self🤣🤣🤣😂

  19. Sherri Batko Avatar

    Does it look like you or your wife🤣🤣

  20. Maurice Ortiz Avatar

    What my mother repeats on my birthday.

  21. Steven Poynter Avatar

    I watch this movie at the drive-in when it first came out I was in the first grade I was about traumatized after watching it LOL

  22. Patricia Ann Demello Avatar

    Give me a break. This is a C or D movie, not a B movie.

  23. Terri Demaio Avatar

    Super creepy I was 8 When original was out I saw the Remake original far Better

  24. Richard Buchholz Avatar

    Cohen's decision to never fully show the baby was a masterstroke. Its only seen partially and in glimpses, proving that the audience imagination is far more terrifying than anything a special effects artist can come up with (although Rick Baker's baby rocks).
    As to the remake, even Cohen, who wrote both, said "It's just beyond awful. I would advise anybody who likes my film to cross the street to avoid seeing the new enchilada. " IMO it stands on it's own but lacks the punch of the original.

  25. Birdsong Of YAH 🎶  Avatar

    There's nothing like a MOTHER'S LOVE!!😊

  26. Humungus O_o Avatar

    "Another one's been born in Seattle."
    Ah sh*t!!

  27. Patrick Pierce Avatar

    A cautionary tale we haven't learned from. Now we're discussing chips that monitor whether we're paying "enough" attention. Let alone the fact we have devices listening all the time because we're too lazy to turn a damn light on. Just sign over your bodily autonomy… corporations LOVE that.

  28. iunno Avatar

    CW: ableist fckery + r slur 29:01-29.20

  29. Danny Santiago Avatar

    This was one of the scariest movie I watch as a child when it first came out… Would like to see an up dated version to date.

  30. delia walin Avatar

    gotta love these old movies, carrying bodies out, keeping women more than 24 hours after birth, etc. watched this when it first came out, and scared the crap out of me, not now, not anymore, but still a good movie. I was 21 when I saw it for the first time, and not long before I watched Night of the Living Dead for the first time, and that gave me nightmares.

  31. Brandon Allen Avatar

    What I found unique about this movie is the first 15 minutes starts out like a feel good 80's drama show. The very family oriented couple is all excited to be having another baby. Then bam, that hospital scene hits and changes the entire atmosphere of the movie.

  32. New Normal Avatar

    This was a feature film in prisons.

  33. Enrique Rosas Avatar

    I was 7 years old when I watch this movie I could sleep that night I was scared I’m 56 years second time I watched.

  34. Norbert K Avatar

    I saw this when I was 6 or 7 and have never forgotten it. I lived in Los Angeles at the time, so it really hit home!

  35. Teresa Hooks Avatar

    The tv ad terrified me as a kid. I've never seen it till now. Prat for me. I'm going in!!!😨🤯🤯😕😵‍💫

  36. William Conners Avatar

    I prefer Frank Henenlotter's "Basket Case" although I always loved Sharon Farrell.

  37. Scott Cupp Avatar

    Poor cat. Kill that monster dead LOL

  38. Scott Cupp Avatar

    Have to love YouTube. I was 2 when this came out. My parents, being pastors, would have never let me watch this. I am just now watching this today, 49 years later 🙂 Very cool movie. Very cool, indeed!

  39. Juggalo Randy Avatar

    This film was super frightening even for the standards of the time (1974) 😳 It's interesting how the doctors mention abortion, which had just been legalised nationwide 2 years earlier. Frank should've taken his shot when he had the chance & put that devil child freak of nature out of its misery.

  40. Debra C. Solomon Solomon Avatar

    I remember this when I was a kid very touching ending 😢

  41. William Sellars Avatar

    The mother laughing at the end.🙃

  42. Connie Dale Avatar

    I want to see Part 2 & 3.

  43. Connie Dale Avatar

    When I was little ,me Mom & Dad & younger brother went to the drive in theater to see this.

  44. Joe Newton Avatar

    Wow u know this is an old movie, just gave her a couple of smacks…

  45. Bog at the Moon Avatar

    Man, impressive creepy ass design and effect, era when it really stepped up!