I’ve been talking to an older woman. Am I overthinking this or does she wanna hookup?


For some context, I’ve known her a few years because she sent her son to the same daycare my sister went to. I met her when picking my sister up.

I (23M) have recently been talking to (38F) and I find her quite attractive. She has actually hired me to help her as the main assistant at her job recently. It’s a little side gig for me while I finish up trade school.

We like to give each other shit, as she gives me shit about my love life (it’s a shit show) and I give her shit about her’s (she’s had some bad luck too) and in general, we both are kind of the “mean flirt” type. More recently, she has asked me to get drinks, lunch, and even smoke weed.

I can’t remember how we got onto the topic, but we were talking about sex and she said the last guy she talked to was way too vanilla (he was 66 so…lol) and she confessed she really liked spontaneous sex, citing specially “I like standing in the kitchen, and someone coming up behind me, and them having their way with me” which really surprised me she was that open with her kinks.

Am I looking too much into this or is she wanting me to do something about it?


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