I’ve come to hate sex a bit now


I’ve been with my current girlfriend for the best part of 3 years and our sex life has been eventful to say the least. it started off with me being an absolute scumbag in terms of sex. id never go down on her n if i touched her it would be with the sole goal of getting her wet enough so we could have sex. then we we did have sex I would finish pretty much within 15 seconds every time and that would be the end of that. this lasted for longer than i’d like to admit and i regret it more then anything. after she voiced how she wasn’t happy with it i realised what a prick i was being and was determined to fix my ways. i started doing the best i could to prioritise her and make her enjoy it even at the expense of my own pleasure. i think it’s helped our relationship a lot but the other day she asked me if i actually enjoyed sex anymore or if i just liked getting her off. then it hit me that every time we do it all of my focus is on making her feel good and me not finishing in a few seconds and the pressure i’ve put on myself makes me feel like a failure every time i finish quickly no matter what i do. i’ve tried kegels, every masterbation trick you can think of and multiple “delay” sprays gels creams and condoms and none of them have done anything for me. for the last few months i’ve never actually enjoyed being with her and instead i have been hyper focused on not finishing quickly or making sure that she’s enjoying it n i didn’t even realise it until yesterday. my girlfriend tells me that she doesn’t care that i cum fast since i can make her finish in other ways but after every time we have sex she always seems disappointed n i can’t help but think it’s that she’s disappointed about me. if anyone has any advice because i’m not sure what i can do


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