I’ve lost the ability to last in bed and need to know how to get it back again


So I (18M) used to be a literal sex machine about 2-3 years ago when I started having an active sex life. Well for these past 3 years I’ve had the same girlfriend and we have obviously had lots of sex in these past 3 years. As I’ve said during this time I was a sex machine. I was constantly horny and would last for days in bed, my gf always had to tell me to cum because if it was up to me I would’ve had sex until i passed out. Well, a little bit before I turned 17 (about 3 months) everything changed literally overnight and since then my ability to last has literally just declined. From a couple of minutes at max to now barely even a few pumps. My GF is the worlds most beautiful creature and she truly has been really understanding and supporting, and has cheered me up a couple of times. Yesterday we had sex again and while doing the deed I was suddenly my old self and could suddenly last however long I wanted, it was even a bit of a challenge to actually cum. It was amazing to finally be able to feel like I’m actually pleasuring my girlfriend. Today we had sex again and it absolutely wasn’t the same. Actually, today I was my “old” self and again couldn’t last for shit. Now I just want to know what to do to last longer in bed. I don’t want anybody telling me you can have a good life and still cum quick because I want to last longer for my GF’s sake. I have tried pelvic floor exercises for like a week or two but they didn’t seem to make a difference and I’ve also tried some other stuff that also didn’t work but the feeling of finally just pleasuring your girlfriend to the max that I got yesterday was so good and I had completely forgotten it. So now I NEED to last longer, or at least figure out how to make it easier.


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