Janelle Monae Partners With The Warner Music Group/ Blavatnik Family Foundation Social Justice Fund To Empower Women, Girls And Non-Binary Youth Of Color Through Her Fem The Future Non-Profit @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Janelle Monáe teams up with Warner Music Group/ Blavatnik Family Foundation Social Justice Fund (WMG/BFF SJF) to expand the programs of her non-profit, Fem the Future, whose mission is to build a fem-forward future by creating opportunities for under-resourced girls and non-binary youth of color in music, the arts, and education. The $150,000 grant will serve as a pilot for longer-term collaboration between the two organizations.

“In partnership with the Social Justice Fund, we’re giving girls the chance to own their power – and change the world,” says Janelle Monáe. “The SJF grant will support Fem the Future as it develops programming for girls and non-binary youth and shines light on their talent – helping them build confidence, expand educational opportunities and make informed decisions about their bodies, their lives and their futures. A beautiful future begins with uplifting the next generation of artists, activists and freedom fighters.”

“It is a joy to partner with Janelle Monáe and Fem the Future in their groundbreaking work,” says Lorelei Williams, Executive Director, WMG/BFF SJF. “As a cultural icon and catalyst, Janelle embodies liberation in her music and across all of her creative platforms, including Fem the Future. With the fall of Roe v. Wade and the rise of anti-LGBTQI+ bills, the fight for gender justice is more crucial than ever. Our bodies and our freedom are at stake. This grant will enable Fem the Future to scale up its programming; elevate the power and brilliance of Black girls and non-binary youth; and ensure greater access to life-changing opportunities.”

“On behalf of Fem the Future, we are beyond thrilled to partner with the WMG/BFF SJF,” says Christina Shareef, Fem the Future Board Chair. “This partnership represents a powerful opportunity to increase access and opportunities for women and girls of color in music, entertainment and the creative arts. By giving them the tools to succeed academically and professionally – and amplifying their voices and perspectives – we can spark lasting change in their lives. I am confident that together, we can make a real difference and I am excited for all the incredible things we will achieve.”

Fem the Future provides young women and girls with the resources and support they need to overcome the challenges associated with growing up in under-resourced communities of color. It expands the world of opportunities by supporting and creating after-school and summer enrichment activities that increase exposure and access to a variety of careers. In an effort to impact as many women and girls as possible, Fem the Future also resources organizations providing access to arts, music and leadership development-centric pedagogies.

The Warner Music Group/Blavatnik Family Foundation Social Justice Fund advances racial justice at the intersection of culture and systems change. The Fund invests in organizations around the globe that build more just and equitable communities and create real change in the lives of historically underserved and marginalized people, principally Black populations. Its investments focus on education, arts and culture, and criminal justice reform, with the belief that work in these areas will aid in dismantling structural racism and advancing equity and justice for all people. Since the Fund’s launch in June 2020, the organization has committed over $25M to organizations on the frontlines of change. Gender justice is a key throughline across all SJF grant pillars and over 80 percent of SJF grantee partners are led by women of color in the U.S. and internationally.

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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