Jerry Goldsmith’s The Mummy (1999) vs. Alan Silvestri’s The Mummy Returns (2001) -Playlists


I’ve been listening to both soundtracks and I have to give it to Goldsmith’s score for The Mummy. All the songs seem to have their own personality while still making you feel like you’re really there in 1920s Egypt. Silvestri’s score was great, but I feel it was “overproduced” or *too* epic. The love and horror themes in Goldsmith’s were much more romantic and scary respectively.

Here’s some of my favorites from The Mummy:

[The driving theme in Tuareg Attack at 1:30](

[The theme in Night Boarders gives me a real Indiana Jones feel](

[The Caravan]( is probably my favorite track. The choral section combined with the tamborine really make me feel like I’m IN Egypt.

[Camel Race]( is one of the tracks that really shows Goldsmith’s range; we start at 1:03 with a high energy theme. Toward the middle, we slow and get more of a “work” theme, then toward the end around 2:08 we slow even more and get the love theme.

[Rebirth]( is also great because 4:46 I can always picture Benni looking back to get more treasure.


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