Jessie Ware Brand New Album That! Feels Good! Out Now @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Jessie Ware’s infectious fifth album That! Feels Good! is available to buy and stream today via EMI Records/ Universal Music. The album includes the acclaimed singles “Free Yourself“, “Pearls” and “Begin Again“.

There’s an incredible feeling of freedom found throughout Jessie Ware’s new album That! Feels Good!. It’s the sound of a person letting loose and letting go while encouraging everyone else to do the same. The success of “What’s Your Pleasure?” And subsequent live shows (British Fashion Awards, Glastonbury, Primavera and supporting Harry Styles) have been a key influence on the creation and curation of Jessie’s fifth album.

It is, says Jessie, a piece of work that she has made with one person in mind. “This is for me. Well, it’s for as many people as possible,” she beams. “But more than anything, I knew the album I wanted to make, and who I wanted to make it with. I’ve put aside years of anxiety, imposter syndrome and all that fretting and feeling like I’m not good enough. That’s not to take anything away from what’s come before because I’m incredibly proud of it all, but I’m in a place, today, where I feel fully happy and relaxed in who I am and the music I’m making.”

Album opener “That! Feels Good” with its insistent bassline sets the tone and sees Jessie joined by a stellar cast delivering spoken word from the likes of pop royalty Kylie, to comedy genius Aisling Bea, producer Benny Blanco and the lovely Lennie. Previous single “Free Yourself” is loaded with infectious energy that celebrates the joy of being unapologetically yourself.

Pearls” sees the dancefloor diva back where she belongs. Current single “Begin Again” an incisive, refreshingly positive throwback that channels the energy of classic funk and dance. “Beautiful People” flings the doors open to an invite-only party where the dancefloor is on fire and the disco ball aglow. The electronica continues on Stuart Price’s “Freak Me Now” which heads South to soak up the sounds of French House.

Jessie has succeeded in audaciously mulching several decades of party music into an album so relentless as a playlist. Letting her own inhibitions, anxieties and expectations placed on her go. Jessie is not only a person in control, but someone at the peak of their game.

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