Jim Gaffigan: Noble Ape – Playlists

Comedy powerhouse Jim Gaffigan has made a career out of finding the extraordinary in the ordinary with his hilarious yet biting …







48 responses to “Jim Gaffigan: Noble Ape – Playlists”

  1. ef_ur_pronouns Avatar

    Great set, except the caged pigs joke. King baby reigns supreme.

  2. Dylon Press Avatar

    Can I get my MRI before they sell it for a pasta machine?

  3. Bl4kkB!rD Avatar

    Cut to 2023 “Aliens exist “

  4. Shirley Hollingsworth Avatar

    He's so funny. Love watching him.

  5. Karma Avatar

    F you YouTube! 7 ads and still didn't start the movie.

  6. Iwosiar Avatar

    Though I don't care for his politics, the past comedy is hilarious

  7. Artist Heart Avatar

    I just discovered this guy!
    Holy bejeeezies golly he’s funny!
    Perfect mix of crude and clean comedy! I LOVE IT!

  8. Melissa Hogan Avatar

    i watch jim gaffigan almost everyday, i never tire of the same bits i have watched. they are funny multiple times over and over again

  9. James Canterbury Avatar

    He made our deployment in Afghanistan bearable. We had a tape and we joked about hot pockets for weeks

  10. James Canterbury Avatar

    And not one F bomb

  11. Jay Smith Avatar

    I lived in Finland and nobody drinks vodka in sauna. Finland is chosen as the most honest country in the world and for example in the past have had a higher standard of living per capita than usa. In 40 years after successfully defending their western democracy in 1945 by the end of 1980s they were ranked one of the top 10 wealthiest countries in the world out of 200 countries and people are healthier there than in Usa. Although Vodka is probably one of the purest hard alcohols its origin is Russia not Fnland. I hope some day americans learn that there are more than few countries in this world.

  12. Andrea Diamond Avatar

    😂😂😂 Yay Philly 💚🦅💚 and Go Phillies ❤️

  13. Deborah  Larson Avatar

    Love You 🤗🤣

  14. Chris Dalton Avatar

    46:06 Can someone learn an accent from scratch in five minutes that they're unable to do at the beginning of the five minutes if they're not Kate McKinnon?

  15. Abstraddic 0 Avatar

    One of the top comics out today hands down. 👍

  16. Bird Man Avatar

    Gaffigan is just funny as hell…..

  17. Joy Lynne Avatar

    Jim Gaffigan, making me laugh again … and again … and again! It's a Medical Miracle!!! TY 💯💜💯TY!!!

  18. alex pastor Avatar

    Jim Gaffigan and cowbell! we can never have enough!!!! i love this guy!

  19. Johnny West Avatar

    When I found these guys , I binged watched this whole thing.. they are hilarious.. like double amputee with a cigarette..
    how’d he get hilarious

  20. chien dinh Avatar

    I am Asian, love your humor. No fouls language.

  21. Thomas Hughes Avatar

    The earth is a globe. That which rolls away from you is rolling toward you from behind.

  22. chien dinh Avatar

    This Jim is definitely funnier than Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Carey

  23. clark wright Avatar

    It's impossible not to laugh at the brain surgery bit.

  24. Comstar Accountant Avatar

    I didn't know I could watch a COMEDY special and not laugh nor chuckle nor even smile,truly this man deserves to be on SNL with his lack of comedy.

  25. Ryv Avatar

    Despite Mother Teresa having superb healthcare whilst championing her houses of suffering in order to evangelize, the Church deigned that she qualified for the two miracles to be granted sainthood posthumously, which was surely an objective process~

  26. Lu K Avatar

    Thanks Jim great Job.😂😂😂

  27. Kelly Read Avatar

    I was listening to Jim while out on my walk this morning and I'm sure I must've looked like a crazy person! 😂😂😂 I had to stop, bend over and catch my breath at one point.

  28. WillJM81280 Avatar

    The Japanese are better at being human: Might want to ask China and most of SE Asia about that one…

  29. Firmament Syndicate Avatar

    38:19 Fantastic re-contextualization of the classic comedy line, "I wouldn't leave the house."

  30. Judith Randall Avatar

    He did a great acting job on Law & Order as a man who murders his wife. One of my favorite episodes.

  31. James Morgan Avatar

    Jim Gaffigan is so consistently funny in his stand-up performances. You don't have to worry, he' s going to be funny!

  32. paolo monticello Avatar

    I wouldn’t spend two seconds watching this but I did enjoy watching joe Rogan blow this idiots mind

  33. Stacy Richardson Avatar

    Quite a gift YouTube!!!…Thank you!!…Salute!!!

  34. Raf Avatar

    Yeah, I spelled your name wrong

  35. Raf Avatar

    Has #JimGaffegan ever ate at a vegetarian restaurant?

  36. Ray Staar Avatar

    Didn't you get footage of Ted Alexandro? One of my favorite comedians is Ted.

  37. Happy Avatar

    I use to really like Jim until
    for some reason he got TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome and it is sad. Being hateful towards a person isn't positive but evil and negative. He use to be funnier until he got sick.

  38. Chris Krieger Avatar

    They have clothing and toys at the m&m store. And some machine that you step into that tells you what kind of m&m you are. That's my guess from the pictures.

  39. Joan Knight Avatar

    I loved listening to him but his pants – too tight.

  40. Joan Knight Avatar

    His facial expressions along with his voice changes is hilarious.

  41. Creflo Peso Avatar

    Jim inching his way to one of the best out here

  42. Shar Crum Avatar

    No damn wonder Jim is left leaning. Hangs with Michael Moore.

  43. Nicole Bishop Avatar

    As some from the northeast is it the corridor of hate