JUGGERNAUT Teaser (2023) With Ryan Reynolds & Gina Carano – Playlists

JUGGERNAUT Teaser (2023) With Ryan Reynolds & Gina Carano ✓ Subscribe to us …







49 responses to “JUGGERNAUT Teaser (2023) With Ryan Reynolds & Gina Carano – Playlists”

  1. warverine2013 Avatar

    Now that they've established magic in the MCU with Dr.strange who frequently evokes the crimson bands of cyttorak it would be awesome to see a magic powered Juggernaut take on the hulk or even spider-men. But as history has shown We will probably get a watered-down version of the character. Fingers crossed.

  2. mlinger18 Avatar

    Wish they would get of used the cgi colossus from part 1 , he was bigger like juggernaut ..when they battled in Deadpool 2 they made colossus look skinny and too small

  3. Frankie Robinson Sr Avatar

    It would be good to bring Juggernaut back just don't down play his power. The end of Deadpool what happened to him was BS that should not have happened with someone as powerful as Juggernaut come on now.this is a man who can't be killed doesn't need food water or air to survive and can live in the vacuum of space. How many other hero's can live without air….not even Hulk…he knocked the Hulk out damn near drown him…and he has a force field not to mention he took a full blast of Thors God blast…bring him back but bring him back right don't down play his power

  4. Louis Bentley Avatar

    Isn’t juggernaut part celestial?

  5. Ronel Brown Avatar

    I would love to see him and halk go at it

  6. Steve Jamieson Avatar

    I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!

  7. Kevin Wilson Avatar

    Why do you talk like this?? No one here is 5 years old … I hope lol

  8. Wonka Chocolates Avatar


  9. Dennis Johnson Avatar

    I'm glad they didn't bring Juggernaut into that green turd that was she Hulk. They ruined Blonski and would surely have done the same to Cain Marko. Everything since Endgame has been trash except Spider Man, but that was Sony not Disney. If Black Panter 2 sucks, I'm done with the mSHEu

  10. William Giersdorf Avatar

    Colossus is a mutant that turns his whole body into metal – not just his skin

  11. That one guy Avatar

    Didn’t know this was a thing

  12. Countdown 2027 Avatar

    The CG Juggernaut looked better than that human anerexic looking thing in the suit.


    Hulk smash Juggernaut.

  14. aj dileo Avatar

    Serious figures like Abomination hahaha laughs in She-Hulk

  15. volpeverde64 Avatar

    holy shit….balls…. ….holy shit….balls….

  16. M Avatar

    I can see disney making juggernaught awakening one morning and realizes the depth of his toxic masculinity and thus getting a sex change and ending up as a stripper named "juggs" and spending thousands per hour on a psychologist.

  17. olivier gelders Avatar

    Maybe try and make it so the thing you've talking about actually lines up with what you're showing. You say colossus, i see Deadpool. You say Ryan Reynolds, i see Vinnie Jones

  18. troeuth Avatar

    The juggernaut is not a mutant

  19. Richard Macias Avatar

    The Deadpool 2 version was spot on. I loved it

  20. Meya Tetana Avatar

    DUDE I don't think they'll do Juggernought right, for one, they don't seem to understand what Juggernaught is, his powers are not mutant it's magical, it's divine, he has all the rage of an elder god that pushed all his anger out and into that crystal.

  21. Úlfur Skarsgård Avatar

    Oh God yes, stick zim in SheHulk…that way he'll fail along with her sexist/racist bullsh*t!

  22. GreenGravity Avatar

    Looking at phase 4 of marvel is already an indicator of this being bad.

  23. Warsmith1 Avatar

    Juggs would tear She-Hulk a new one. World Breaker Hulk didn't even want to fight him…

  24. David Buchanan Avatar

    No he needs to be a straight criminal, that's what he is in the comics that's what he is in the TV series. Do not make him an anti-hero!

  25. David Buchanan Avatar

    Damn, I don't remember the 90s X-Men being so hokey pokey looking. My favorite episode from that series is when Logan has to chase after can't remember his name but the shapeshifter, and they're going through I think three episodes where's its big old chase Logan running after this shapeshifter trying to save his soul. Really really badass!

  26. Killa dawgs!! Avatar

    He should go against the X-men again…I don’t count that bullshit X2 cameo!

  27. Joe Avatar

    I need to see Venom with Juggernaut in it. I have to a few comics with them involved.

  28. Russell Nolan Avatar

    After what they did to him in that pool, if he wasn't royally pi$$ed before…. maybe at the end of an X-Men fight, no hope in sight, he comes out charging, "outta my way!!!"

  29. duogear Avatar

    No justice will be done for him, his base form can go toe to toe with all forms of the hulk and knocked out the God that created the gem in the gods dimension it created. I'd rather not have them ruin him.

  30. drew reynolds Avatar

    I reckon they gonna put him in the series

  31. James Coward Avatar

    If they don't fix that jiggly puff CGI…🤦

  32. Korrupted187 Avatar

    Mark Ruffalo is a leftist bit**

  33. Russell McKenzie Avatar

    Juggernaut was never able to be hurt unless his helmet was removed, his head is his only venerable spot

  34. GrandMaster Drew Avatar

    I appreciate the speculation but let's all hope it's not She Hulk. Aside from gaining woke points on Twitter noone will ever admit to wanting or liking that dumpster fire.

  35. Dee Avatar

    Do not put him in she hulk an keep him the same as in deadpool

  36. BADGER!! Avatar

    Jugg is one of my favorite villains. Unstoppable force. He is powered by an evil god entity. Cyttorak who is a cool character.

  37. Joker Avatar

    They are gonna ruin him like they done with all the characters 😒
    Mostly the male characters they make jokes out of.

  38. Gary G Avatar

    Juggernaut will be gay in the next movie

  39. Carlo Rolisini Avatar

    Elliot Page🤣🤣🤣🤣

  40. Kyosuke700 Avatar

    this could of happen after x men 2 the movie

  41. Erwin Moisés Cruz de la rosa Avatar

    Aparición en deapol caricatura y realist

  42. Erwin Moisés Cruz de la rosa Avatar

    Que chiveaso soy x y carne blanda

  43. Clifford Price Avatar

    I know Brock Lesnar would be a perfect Juggernaut

  44. Ben Larmouth Avatar

    Come on I got the nickname Juggernaut based on this character. I want to see my man get his movie let's get it Juggy

  45. m0cho Avatar

    Hey man I have a whole new appreciation for your videos I made my first one last week an it’s much harder then you make it look I plan to upload every Saturday