‘Just because it’s blue, does not mean it’s Chanukkah’: Jewish woman goes on a mission to remove all the Christmas-inspired decorations in the Hanukkah section of stores – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


Chanukah or Hanuka is getting close, starting December 18th. It’s eight days of celebration in the Jewish religion where people commemorate the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by lighting candles on each day of the festival. It’s a joyous time filled with gift giving and drinking. Christianity, being the spotlight hog that it is, tends to overshadow this Jewish holiday in the marketing world. Because both of these holidays from different religions are in the same month, you see stores with both a Hannuka and Christmas section. However, Christmas takes over and it’s very easy to find Christmas holiday decorations overflowing into the Hannuka decorations section. 

One woman, however, is making it her mission every time she steps into a home goods store to make sure the sections are properly distributed. 


“I say this every year, just because it’s blue does not mean it’s Chanukkah,” she says as she spies a blue candle in the Hanukkah section that has baby Jesus nativity scene art on the label. It’s pretty wild how far off some of these decorations are. She finds a blue wreath, which literally has nothing to do with Judaism and everything to do with Christianity. She even finds a blue cone that’s obviously depicting a Christmas tree. Why is that in the Hannuka section? Who has literally no idea what Hanukkah is and slipped that decoration into there? Makes you wonder if they even know what Christmas is if they thought that Christmas tree belonged in the Hanukkah section?

Obviously, people working in home good stores are usually only making minimum wage and/or are just there for the holiday season, so you can’t really blame them for little mistakes like placing items in the wrong sections. They hardly get paid a livable wage, please give them a break. But on the other hand, a Christmas tree in the Hanukka section?…  

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– Armessa Gifs & Memes